Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sprituality of the Workplace

What are some of the problems and difficulties that we encounter in our workplaces? Fr. Byron in his book Answers from Within deals with these issues and gives the following suggestions to deepen our spiritual life.


Workplace wounds induced by hurtful criticism can create jealousy and spite. Fighting vitriol with vitriol is not a good idea. Cultivation of self-control is the best way of response. Try always to keep the door between you is open. Talk it over with a trusted friend in or out of workplace.

“Grant that I may not so much seek to be understood as to understand…Where there is hatred, let me sow love.”

2.Fear :

It is usually a self-inflicted wound and is intimately related to worry. Worry typically looks to a past that is dead or a future that might not happen as the worrier imagines it.(If it is a criminal behavior-get a lawyer; if an unethical act is coming to light, talk to an advisor that you trust and later to a responsible person in the organization.) Maintain a sensible , prudent and balanced orientation in the present. Affirm your belief that God is here at your side.If God is with you, who can be against you. “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plan will succeed.(Prov.16:3)


It involves broken promises, reversal of assurances etc.

Take hold of the “bread” of daily existence, even when it includes the experience of betrayal, and bless it( as Jesus did at the Eucharist). Be prepared to forgive.You can be hurt only if you let that falsehood reside within.

“Straight are the paths of the Lord; in them the just walk, but sinners stumble in them (Hosea,14:10)

4.False Accusations:

A false accusation is simply a lie and it wounds. Better to let your character stand up in your defense…The way you conduct yourself in the work place is, in fact, your character in motion. Don’t lose your emotional balance. Choose to fix your attention on an image of tranquility, and be willing to forgive. “ Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; and then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven (Sirach 28:1-2)


When those who supervise your work or the services you render never express appreciation, you notice it. Ingratitude hurts. “Grant that I may not so much seek to be understood as to understand.” “Bend my heart to do your will, and not to love of gain”(Psalm 119:36).


This is based on race, religion, ethnicity, accent, sexual orientation, age, disability, and educational and economic status.

Prejudice reflects an arrogant conviction that the targeted person would be “better” if he or she were exactly like the one making the pre-judgment.

Begin by acknowledging that you can never make someone like you. Act firmly and fairly to get those scales of justice back in balance. Resist any impulse to return evil for evil. Go for the good. “ Seek good and not evil, that you may live; then will the Lord, the god of hosts , be with you as you claim.” (Amos 5,14)


Mistakes and reversals are bound to happen. There is no win-win world for everyone all the time. Forgive yourself—no mistake is beyond forgiveness. Learn from the experience and move head. Your spiritual life will give you the clarity and the courage to admit your mistakes and move on.


Failures can hurt you only if you let them. You have to move on and face up to the next challenges. Other wise, failure will hold you down. True leadership involves a willingness to be wide open to failure, ridicule and unfair criticism.

“But you have mercy on all, because you can do all things; and you overlook the sins of men that they may repent.” (Wisdom 11,20)

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