As we greet the season of fall, of color and splendor in nature, we are also aware of the imminent arrival of the deep darkness and cold of the winter. As leaves fall and as the cold wind begins to blow, we become conscious of the transience of nature. As poet Shelley puts it, “O wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Hope is hidden the heart of Nature too. We, Christians, as believers in the Resurrection of Jesus, are people of hope too.
What we have seen in the past few weeks is the worst form of brutality that is hidden in the deep recesses of the human heart . It is the blatant exhibition of the winter in the heart of the human nature that is not touched by the grace of God. Thousands of innocent Christians were persecuted, hunted down and forced to flee to the forests just because they believe in Christ Jesus .Priests, nuns, lay men and women were attacked, burned and murdered. Churches, orphanages, convents and homes were wantonly destroyed. The majority of these persecuted Christians live in the forests or refugee camps. It is all because of their faith. The Christian faith that has transformed the world into a world of love and brotherliness, that gave the world the beauty and civility of the modern civilization is an anathema to the people of Orissa. Not a civilized soul in that State raised his or her voice against this brutal persecution.
There is a concerted attempt to wipe away the very trace of the Christian faith in the two districts of Orissa.
Some pundits have proffered lame excuses of conversion, tribal rivalry, economic advancement enjoyed by Christians etc as the cause of this violent destruction, burning , cruelty and looting. How can these be an excuse for killings?
Where is the Constitutional protection for the innocent? How can the Central Govt. of India remain a silent spectator of this atrocious cruelty?
More than any other community in the country, the Indian Christians have given all their talents and resources to give better education , health care and care for the poor to the people of India. They have participated in a vigorous and robust way, in spite of being a very tiny percentage of
Who have worked hard to lift the veil of poverty and deprivation from the poor of
Gandhi has spoken very eloquently against such ill-treatments: “It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored by the humiliation of their fellow human beings.” There is no modern Gandhi in
We strongly condemn these acts of brutality and appeal to the moral conscience of the International community to use its voice, power and influence to prevent this brutality and restore the Constitutional rights of these persecuted Christians of India.
In the midst of these dark clouds of persecution and oppression, Christians all over the world will experience the sunshine of divine grace in the canonization of Blessed Alphonsa within a few days. She is the beacon of hope to all those who are suffering and experiencing the pain and agony of sickness and hardships. She was a passionate lover of Christ. The cross of Christ was almost literally implanted on her life. Every waking moment of hr life in the convent was suffused with pain and suffering. But she transformed them into occasions of deep love and concern for other people. She prayed for more grace to accept suffering: “Jesus, Sun of Justice, send me your light, enlighten my understanding, clarify my thought, consume me in the fire of your love and make me one with you.”
She is a great intercessor before the Lord for those who plod through the walks of life in pain and agony. We shall draw strength from her life to face the challenges and difficulties we experience in our lives. As a Passion Flower, as the shining star of hope and love, we are sure , she will open the doors of human hearts to a new world of love and compassion.
The Catholic Church of Kerala has its first saint on the altar of world Christianity and a great intercessor of mercy and compassion before the Lord. Like our beloved Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, we shall say with one voice “My heart rejoices in the Lord.”
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